Do not even bother to read or think about what you might read on this post. It is now void. The next person to hand in a quiz result will be severely punished and ridicules (a.k.a. Teddy).
The contest rules go like this.
This contest can only be won by Teddy or Daniel. Print out these questions. Fill them out and give them to me. The first person with no eraser marks will win.
1. What is your favorite food?
2. Where is your favorite place to buy that food?
3. How is that food made?
4. Answer number 2 by drawing a map.
5. What is your least favorite food?
Answer number 5 by drawing a map.
6. Ignore all questions. (P.S. Do not print a new sheet. Be forewarned. The Bonzai trees...)
An update, this post is invaled.